Open Tech Dental Wiki

From Open Tech Dental Wiki 4.0
Revision as of 00:38, 27 December 2015 by Meinan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "# PC最小要件 # Connection with the PC # Accessories # Implant Library")
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  1. PC最小要件
  2. Connection with the PC
  3. Accessories
  4. Implant Library

OpticalRevEng Dental

  1. Introduction
  2. Interface
    1. 3D View
    2. Project Tree
    3. Main Toolbar
    4. Support Toolbars And Menus
  3. Main Functions
    1. Start Screen
    2. Project Creation
    3. Acquisition
    4. Data Editing
    5. Alignment
    6. Mesh Generation
    7. Mesh Editing
    8. Marker Alignment
    9. Export
    10. Model Base Trimming
  4. Step-By-Step Wizard
    1. Acquisition
    2. Base Cut And Auto Cleaning
    3. Alignment
    4. Manual Cut
    5. Project Check
    6. Implant Library Alignment
    7. Export to CAD
  5. Advanced Use
    1. Free Mode
    2. Dynamic Articulation Module
    3. Options
      1. Global
      2. Dental
      3. Interactor
    4. Service Mode