Main Toolbar
Main Toolbar
In the bottom right corner of the user interface there is the Main Toolbar:
This toolbar allows to access all the basic features of OpticalRevEng Dental software.
The toolbar is hidden only during the Step-By-Step Wizard.
When an element is selected on the Project Tree, this toolbar adapts itself to the currently selected element.
Main Buttons
The 5 main software buttons (Acquisition, Alignment, Mesh Generation, Export and Project Menu) will be always visible but, if not available, they will be grayed out.
This page describes the function of each button in the Structured Mode projects. Information about the Free Mode can be found in its specific page.
Acquisition : this button starts the acquisition of the current selected object, using the right element strategy.
Alignment : this button starts the alignment of the current selected object with the specific reference item.
Mesh Generation : this button generates the mesh of the current selected acquisitions, using the right element strategy.
Export : this button starts the project specific export procedure.
Project Menu : this button opens a menu with some project functions (Open, Save, Edit Project, etc.)
Additional Buttons
Other additional buttons may appear depending on the current selected items.
Multi-Die Acquisition : this button allows to scan multiple dies in one time, with the Multi-Die support.
Integrate Acquisition : this button starts the integration mode, to add additional information to an acquired object.
Implant Align : this button starts the alignment between the Mesh of a scan marker and the implant library.
Model Base Trimming : this button starts the Model Base Trimming tool for Orthodontic and Impression projects.
Surgery Guide : this button starts the Surgery Guide wizard.
It's possible to return to the Main Page or read the page about Support Toolbars And Menus