Model Trimming

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Revision as of 08:27, 27 December 2015 by Meinan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Move Jaws(顎の移動)==")
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プロジェクトで顎のメッシュが少なくとも1つ準備できた時にメインツールバーに表示されるDental 2 5 actionOrtoBase.pngボタンをクリックして、このツールを起動します。



  • 1つのビュー : Cut Margins(マージンのカット)ステップ中、一度に1つの顎のみを表示します
  • 3つのビュー : その他のステップ中、すべての情報が表示されるので、同時に3つの異なる視点から見ることができます



  1. Move Jaws(顎の移動): 顎の位置を、参照平面(咬合平面、対称平面)に対して調節します
  2. Cut Margins(マージンのカット): メッシュにマージンラインを描写し、トリミングされたベースで置き換えられるすべての情報をカットして取り除きます
  3. Adjust Bases(ベースの調節): トリミングされたベースの形状/位置を変更し、顎に適合させます
  4. Finalize(ファイナライズ): カットした顎とトリミングされたベースをマージして、最終的なメッシュを生成します

Move Jaws(顎の移動)

The positions of the jaw meshes, acquired from the scanner, may vary. This tool allows the user to adjust the position of the meshes with the aid of some commands.

For each movement there are 4 buttons (-10, -, +, +10), which apply a specific movement to the objects.

All the movements (rotations and translations) are defined according to an Axis. The axis can be seen in the 3D views, on the bottom-left angle.

There's an additional option, Show Bases, that allows the user to see a preview of where the trimmed bases will be, in order to aid the positioning process.

Dental 2 5 ortoBasePosition.jpg

Cut Margins

The jaw meshes acquired from the scanner often have residual unnecessary parts of information. This parts have to be removed before merging the data with the new trimmed base.

Fort his purpose, an interactive tool that can draw a line on the mesh surface is provided:

  1. The first left mouse click on the mesh surface creates a point and starts the margin definition
  2. Any additional left mouse click adds a point to the margin and connects it to the previous one
  3. A left mouse click on the first point closes the margin
  4. After the margin is closed, the user can:
    • drag one point with the left mouse button to move it to a different position
    • click between two points, to add a new point in the middle
    • press ESC to delete the margin and start again

When the margin is defined, a click on the Cut button will remove all the parts of the mesh below the margin.

Dental 2 5 ortoBaseCut.jpg

Adjust Bases

The user can change 4 different parameters of the bases. When a parameter is changed, the 3D view updates in approximately 2 seconds.

  • Width : the maximum width of the base
  • Length : the maximum length of the base
  • Height : the base height
  • Distance : distance between the two bases, which are symmetric to the occlusal plane

After the cut, the jaw meshes have to be completely fitted in the bases. If the bases are too small a warning message will appear below the parameters.

Dental 2 5 ortoBaseAdjust.jpg


This last page shows only the Finalize button. When clicked, the software takes all the data and computes the new, closed, mesh. This process can take up to 2 minutes.

If the result is not satisfactory for the user, it is possible to return to one of the previous steps, change parameters and positions and then return to the Finalize step and compute the meshes again.

Otherwise, if the finalized mesh is satisfactory, click Ok to confirm the base trimming and save the new meshes.

Dental 2 5 ortoBaseFinalize.jpg

Dental 2 5 wiz prev.png Homebutton.png Dental 2 5 wiz next.png