Scanner Unboxing

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This page is a translated version of the page Unboxing and the translation is 33% complete.

Como desembalar correctamente los escáneres Open Technologies

Check the conditions of the box and, once opened, remove the packaging material.

1-scatola aperta.jpg


Extraer con cuidado todos los accesorios: cable de alimentación, cables de señal, accessories kit y posible tela de copertura para escáner

3-interno scatola.jpg

4a-interno scatola.jpg

4b-interno scatola.jpg

4c-interno scatola.jpg

Quitar las protecciones laterales y liberar totalménte el escáner.

5-interno scatola.jpg

6-interno scatola.jpg

Lift up and unbox the scanner. Make sure you have 2 people for this operation, lift the scanner up only using the metal base - please do not try to lift the scanner from the outer housing as it will possibly damage the product.



El manual de uso y mantenimiento del maquinario es disponible en formato digital en la memoria interior del escáner.

The scanner's model , it's color and the contents of the box may differ from the "picture shown"