Open Tech Dental Wiki
Interfaccia Principale
Nell'immagine sottostante viene mostrata l'Interfaccia Principale di OpticalRevEng Dental.
L'interfaccia di OpticalRevEng Dental è composta principalmente da 4 parti:
- A 3D View, in the center of the screen, displays the current object.
- A Project Tree, on the top-left corner, shows all the available project data.
- A Main Toolbar, on the bottom-right corner, shows the main functions connected to the current object.
- Some Support Toolbars And Menus, which can be hidden along the border of the 3D View.
Le pagine relative alle parti dell'Interfaccia Principale possono essere consultate seguendo i link.
Componenti Aggiuntive
At the top of the window there is a menu bar where all the single tools are available. These tools are also available in the Support Toolbars.
At the bottom of the window there's an information bar with the Serial Number of the connected scanner, some memory information and an Option Button