Obținerea datelor de la scaner și crearea unei reprezentări 3D virtuale a unui obiect este funcția principală a software-ului OpticalRevEng Dental.
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Într-un Structured Project în afara expertului, există 3 proceduri pentru a obține date de la scaner.
Acesta este cel mai simplu mod de a achiziționa date și cel mai utilizat:
- Puneți obiectul în interiorul scanerului pe suportul de model holder corespunzător
- În "Arborele proiectului", selectați obiectul de scanat
- Faceți clic pe Achiziție din Main Toolbar
Scanerul va achiziționa apoi obiectul folosind strategia elementului selectat, iar Project Tree va fi actualizat.
Dacă modelele sunt pregătite pentru a fi montate într-un articulator, acestea ar putea fi prea înalte pentru a fi montate pe suportul înalt și pentru a fi bine focalizate de scaner. Din acest motiv, baza suportului modelului poate fi detașată de placa în sine pentru a permite utilizatorului să scaneze modele mai înalte pe suportul inferior.
Parametrii avansați
Pentru a utiliza o strategie de achiziție diferită de cea implicită, țineți apăsat butonul când faceți clic pe Achiziție.
Un dialog suplimentar va permite alegerea unei strategii diferite și a unei culori pentru obiectul care trebuie dobândit
Articulator Dinamic
Dacă Modulul Articulator Dinamic este activat și utilizat, software-ul va reaminti utilizatorului să scaneze maxilarul deasupra bazei adecvate.
The base to be used depends on the type of articulator chosen in the project definition.
To acquire multiple dies in a single scan, even from both jaws at the same time, using the multi-die support:
- Select from the Project Tree all the dies to be scanned
- Click the Multi-Die Acquisition button that will appear on the Main Toolbar. At least 2 dies have to be selected in the Project Tree
- Put the dies in each space of the support, as shown by the software in the top right window, and put the Multi-Die support inside the scanner
- Click the Start Acquisition button
The scanner will acquire the data, identifying every single die and updating the status of the Project Tree
To acquire a single 3D image, and not a 360° object reconstruction (for testing or to acquire a big articulation in a small scanner):
- Put the object inside the scanner, in the best possible way
- Use the Single Acquisition tool
The software will carry out a single acquisition without moving the motors system
After an object has been acquired in the scanner, there could be the need to add further information to the starting scan. For example, part of the object may be missing due to shadows or because the acquisition strategy has not covered a specific point of view.
In order to integrate additional information, use the Integrate Acquisition button on the Main Toolbar. This will launch the Integration Mode, providing 3 different integration tools. It is possible to switch from one tool to another. Confirm the modification with the Apply button or discard it with the Cancel
It is possible to add an unlimited number of acquisitions but adding to much data could slow down the project and increase the project disk size.
The single integration mode allows to add information from a specific point of view. To add information:
- Rotate the 3D view so that the screen will show exactly the part of the object to be integrated
- Click on the Start Integration
If you wish for the plate to replicate the virtual movements you apply to the image, check the Follow 3d View Box
If the last added acquisition is not good, useless or problematic, it is possible to remove it with the Undo button.
If the object is not in the original scanning position, the software can not correctly integrate the information. It is possible to try to fix this problem using the Calc Integration Position button.
The Smart mode, instead of scanning one position at a time, allows to identify the holes on the virtual model and, if possible, close them with a scanning sequence.
To add a position:
- Rotate the 3D view to identify the holes, and left click on the ones that need to be closed
- Click the
button to start the integration sequence
The images will be added to the scan and then aligned all together at the end of the acquisition
The full integration is the easiest mode: it allows to select as many positions as needed and in which degree the plate must tilt to complete the image.
Then, by clicking the Start Integration button, the scanner will tilt the model and carry out a 360° acquisition using the selected number of positions.
Change Strategy
When the Project Tree is created, the software will select a specific strategy for every element, trying to maximize the scan quality and saving space. To change the strategy of an element of the project:
- Right click on the element in the project tree
- Select Change Strategy
- Select the new strategy from the dropdown menu
Another scan of the object will be carried out using the new strategy instead of the old one.