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(Created page with "360度のオブジェクトの再構築ではなく、単一の3D画像を取得するには(テスト目的や、小型スキャナーで大きな咬合器を取得する...")
(Created page with "# オブジェクトを、最適な方法でスキャナーへ入れます # 単一取得ツールを使います")
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# Put the object inside the scanner, in the best possible way
# オブジェクトを、最適な方法でスキャナーへ入れます
# Use the [[Support_Toolbars_And_Menus#Tools|Single Acquisition]] tool
# [[Support_Toolbars_And_Menus#Tools|単一取得]]ツールを使います
The software will carry out a single acquisition without moving the motors system
The software will carry out a single acquisition without moving the motors system

Revision as of 04:02, 29 December 2015







  1. オブジェクトを適切なモデルホルダーに置き、スキャナーへ入れます
  2. プロジェクトツリーで、スキャンするオブジェクトを選択します
  3. メインツールバーで取得アイコンをクリックします


Denta 2 5 simpleAcquisition.gif


デフォルトとは異なる取得計画を使用する場合は、Key shift.pngボタンを押しながら、取得アイコンをクリックします。





Msg art.PNG


ベースのタイプと咬合器のタイプが適合しない場合、Exocad Virtual Articulatorでの位置が正しくなりません。



  1. プロジェクトツリーからスキャンする歯型をすべて選択します
  2. メインツールバーに表示されるマルチダイ取得ボタンをクリックします。プロジェクトツリーで、少なくとも2つの歯型を選択している必要があります
  3. ソフトウェアの画面右上に表示されるように、サポートの各スペースに歯型を置き、マルチダイサポートをスキャナーに置きます
  4. 取得開始ボタンをクリックします


Dental 2 5 multiDieAcquisition.gif



  1. オブジェクトを、最適な方法でスキャナーへ入れます
  2. 単一取得ツールを使います

The software will carry out a single acquisition without moving the motors system


After an object has been acquired in the scanner, there could be the need to add further information to the starting scan. For example, part of the object may be missing due to shadows or because the acquisition strategy has not covered a specific point of view.

In order to integrate additional information, use the Integrate Acquisition button on the Main Toolbar. This will launch the Integration Mode, providing 3 different integration tools. It is possible to switch from one tool to another. Confirm the modification with the Apply Dental 2 5 confirmButton.png button or discard it with the Cancel Dental 2 5 cancelButton.png button.

It is possible to add an unlimited number of acquisitions but adding to much data could slow down the project and increase the project disk size.


The single integration mode allows to add information from a specific point of view. To add information:

  1. Rotate the 3D view so that the screen will show exactly the part of the object to be integrated
  2. Click on the Start Integration Dental 2 5 startIntegrationButton.png icon

If the last added acquisition is not good, useless or problematic, it is possible to remove it with the Undo Dental 2 5 undoLastIntegrationBtn.png button.

If the object is not in the original scanning position, the software can not correctly integrate the information. It is possible to try to fix this problem using the Calc Integration Position button.

Dental 2 5 integrateSingle.jpg


The Custom mode, instead of scanning one position at a time, allows to create a costumized sequence of positions and then the scanner will carry out all the acquisitions together.

To add a position:

  1. Rotate the 3D view so that the screen will show exactly the part to be integrated
  2. Click the Add Position Dental 2 5 confirmButton.png button

To remove a position:

  1. Select the position from the list
  2. Click the Remove Position Dental 2 5 cancelButton.png button

To start the scan, click the Start Integration Dental 2 5 startIntegrationButton.png button

Dental 2 5 integrateMulti.jpg


The full integration is the easiest mode: it allows to select as many positions as needed and in which degree the plate must tilt to complete the image.
Then, by clicking the Start Integration Dental 2 5 startIntegrationButton.png button, the scanner will tilt the model and carry out a 360° acquisition using the selected number of positions.

Dental 2 5 integrateFull.jpg

Change Strategy

When the Project Tree is created, the software will select a specific strategy for every element, trying to maximize the scan quality and saving space. To change the strategy of an element of the project:

  1. Right click on the element in the project tree
  2. Select Change Strategy
  3. Select the new strategy from the dropdown menu

Another scan of the object will be carried out using the new strategy instead of the old one.

Dental 2 5 wiz prev.png Homebutton.png Dental 2 5 wiz next.png