Check for Updates

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Revision as of 16:32, 28 December 2015 by L.Pizzoli (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Questo strumento ricerca tutti gli aggiornamenti rilasciati e permette di scaricarne i contenuti qualora fossero disponibili.")
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Controlla Aggiornamenti

Questo strumento ricerca tutti gli aggiornamenti rilasciati e permette di scaricarne i contenuti qualora fossero disponibili.


The Update Window will open and, if there are available updates, it will allow to download the newest version of the software just by double clicking on it.


Download the OnlyUpdate if there is already a previous version of the same software installed on the PC

For instance if a user already has version 2.5 and wants to update to a newest version of the 2.5 

Download the Full version if the software is an Upgrade

For instance if the user has version 2.5 and wants to upgrade to 3.0