Start Screen
A tela inicial é o primeiro diálogo que aparece ao iniciar o software.
Existem dois tipos diferentes de tela inicial. Uma aparecerá quando o software é lançado diretamente pelo usuário, a outra quando o software é lançado por um outro software, tendo já definido um projeto.
Em ambos os casos, o software irá executar uma Verificação do Sistema e mostrar uma mensagem. Se tudo estiver pronto para trabalhar e o escaner estiver conectado corretamente, a tela mostrará a frase 'Escaner inicializado corretamente' . Se, por qualquer motivo, o escaner não estiver funcionando corretamente, uma mensagem de erro específica será exibida.
In both Start Screens, this button opens the Options Dialog.
Project Ready Start-Up
This is the Start Screen that appears when the software is launched having already set a project in an Invoking Software, for example if started from the Exocad DentalDB. Template:Big Image
On the left, some Advenced Import Options are available:
- Unsectioned Model : enable this option if the model to be scanned is not sectioned, the scanner will not require a separate scan for every die
- Impression Scan : if the Impression Scan Module is enabled in the license, check this option to scan an impression and not a stone model
- Face Scan : if a Real Time Scanner is available, check the Face Scan option to add the Real Time Face Scan of the patient to the project
On the right, there are 2 buttons:
Start Project
- Creates a specific Scan Project using data coming from the Invoking Sofware, with the selected options, and starts the Step-By-Step Wizard
- Closes the software without starting the project
Direct Launch
This is the Start Screen that appears when launching the software directly
In this case, no project is ready so the software will ask to create a new project or to load a previously created project.
New Free Project
- Only present if the Free Module is enabled. It allows to create a project in Free Mode
New Project
- Allows to create a Structured Project and start a Step-By-Step Wizard
Load Project
- Allows to load a previous project
- Closes the software without starting the project