Scanner Unboxing

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Como desembalar correctamente los escáneres Open Technologies

Averiguar que la caja sea integra y, una vez abierta, extraer los embalajes.

1-scatola aperta.jpg 2-estrazione-imballaggio.jpg

Carefully unbox all the accessories: power cord, signal cables, accessories’ kit and fabric scanner cover, if present.

3-interno scatola.jpg 4a-interno scatola.jpg

4b-interno scatola.jpg 4c-interno scatola.jpg

Remove the lateral bumpers and clear the scanner’s volume completely.

5-interno scatola.jpg 6-interno scatola.jpg

Lift up and unbox the scanner holding it from the metal base. This operation must be carried out by two people

7-estrai-scanner.jpg 8-posiziona-scanner.jpg

The use and maintenance manual of the machine is available in digital format in the scanner’s internal memory.