Wizard Export

From Open Tech Dental Wiki 4.0
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At this point, all the data needed by the project has been:

  • Acquired
  • Aligned to the rest of the project
  • Cleaned of the unwanted parts
  • Converted into mesh
  • Aligned to the implant library, if needed

The software will display all the project data and ask to export everything to the configured CAD program.

The behaviour of the Export To CAD button depends on the project. Read more in the Automatic Export page.

Otherwise, if the user wants to manually edit the meshes, the Wizard can be closed with the Dental 2 5 wiz quit.png button.

Dental 2 5 wizExportToCad.jpg

Dental 2 5 wiz prev.png Homebutton.png Dental 2 5 wiz next.png