Support Toolbars and Menus

From Open Tech Dental Wiki 4.0
Revision as of 21:10, 5 October 2015 by Scaierman (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Esta ferramenta pode ser encontrada no '' Menu Vista '', no '' Navegação '' e '' Rendering '' Barras de Ferramentas e no '' Menu de Contexto Vista 3D ''.")
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Ferramentas Adicionais

Todas as ferramentas de software que não estão disponíveis em Barra de Ferramentas Principal podem ser encontradas nos menus ou em outras barras de ferramentas.

A barra de menu e cada outra barra de ferramentas pode ser mostrada ou oculta pelo usuário no Menu Vista .

Esta página fornece uma lista de todas as ferramentas, divididas em categorias, com uma breve descrição e um link para a página específica, se disponível.

Ferramentas de Projeto

Esta ferramenta pode ser encontrada naMenu Arquivo ou no Ferramentas de Projeto ou no Menu Projeto da Principal Barra de Ferramentas e permitir que o usuário criar, editar e salvar projetos.

Dental 2 5 actionNewFreeProject.png Novo Projeto Livre
Cria um novo projeto na Free Mode
Dental 2 5 jobCardButton.png Project Creation 
Cria um novo Projeto Estruturado
Dental 2 5 actionEditCommessa.png Edit Project 
Modifica o Projeto Estruturado
Dental 2 5 actionLoad.png Carrega Projeto
Carrega um projeto de escaneamento ou um projeto Exocad a partir do disco
Dental 2 5 actionSave.png Salvar Projeto
Salva o projeto atual no disco
Dental 2 5 actionSaveProjectAs.png Salvar projeto como
Salva o projeto atual em uma pasta diferente
Dental 2 5 actionStartAcqWizard.png Start Acquisition Wizard 
Inicia o assistente passo-a-passo para o projeto atual
Dental 2 5 actionExportToCad.png Exportação Visível
Salva todos os dados visíveis em um único arquivo
Dental 2 5 exitButton.png Saída 
Fecha o software

Editar Ferramentas

Todos os botões noEditar Menu e no Selecionar Barra de Ferramentas são descritos na página Editar Dados.

Ferramentas Vista

Esta ferramenta pode ser encontrada no Menu Vista , no Navegação e Rendering Barras de Ferramentas e no Menu de Contexto Vista 3D .

They allow interaction with the 3D View or to adapt the software interface at the user's needs.

The ones not described in the 3D View page are:

Auto-hide Menu 
Hides the menu bar when the mouse is far from the top of the window
Submenu that allows hiding/showing the toolbars one by one
View Aligned Implants 
If this options is enabled, the Project Tree will show a column with all the implants library aligned for every mesh
Dental 2 5 actionShowMarker.png Show Marker 
If the current mesh is aligned to an implant library, it shows the position of the implant library marker
Dental 2 5 actionShowConnection.png Show Connection 
If the current mesh is aligned to an implant library, it shows the position of the implant library connection interface

Rendering Toolbar

Dental 2 5 actionEnableLight.png Light 
Enables the light system of the 3D View
Dental 2 5 actionColorForFace.png Color For Face 
Switches from a smooth rendering to a flat rendering that shows every single mesh triangle
Dental 2 5 actionViewStructure.png View Structure 
Draws the triangles with a different color to better view the mesh structure
Dental 2 5 colorModeButton.png Color Mode 
Allows to choose between 3 different color modes

Color Modes

  • Texture : uses the original color of the object (only for color scanners)
  • Assigned : uses the color specific to the element, it can be changed in the context menu on the project tree. This is assigned for every single object
  • Uniform : uses one color for every acquisition and one color for every mesh. This color mode is selected by default, the colors can be changed in the Options window

Acquisitions Tools

All the buttons in the Acquisition Menu and in the Acquisition Toolbar are explained in the Data Editing page.

Mesh Tools

All the buttons in the Mesh Menu and in the Mesh Toolbar are explained in the Mesh Editing page.

Alignment Tools

Dental 2 5 actionGlobalAlignment.png Global Alignment 
Tries to recostruct the entire object when the "Range Images" of an acquisition are not well fitted together
Dental 2 5 actionAlignment.png Alignment 
This button will start the alignment of the currently selected item with the specific reference item


In the Tools Menu are available generic tools that are indipendent from the currently selected items and that do not fit in the other categories

Dental 2 5 actionMove.png Move Item 
Allows to freely move the selected objects in the space
Dental 2 5 actionSetLive.png Live 
Switches on the live view of the cameras and shows it on screen
Dental 2 5 actionDistanceMeasure.png Distance Measure 
Allows to measure distances by placing 2 points on the selected 3D objects
Dental 2 5 actionSingleAcquisition.png Single Acquisition 
Allows to launch a single 3D acquisition without moving the object inside the scanner
Recalibrate Head 
Allows to recalibrate the scanner
Direct Axes Recalibration 
Allows to recalibrate the movement system
Auto Set-Up MultiDie Parameters 
Allows to recalibrate the multi-die model holder
Dental To Free 
Converts a Structured Project into a Free Project (data will be lost in the process, this can not be reverted)
Dental 2 5 actionOptions.png Options 
Opens the Options Dialog
Full Screen 
This tool will change the application window to use all the screen space


In the ? Menu, the following tools are available:

Check Updates 
By clicking on this tool, the software will look for any available updated version and prompt to download the last updated version if possible
Ask For Support 
This tool will bring on the screen a dialog with the contact details of the technical support
User Info 
This tool will show a dialog requiring user's information that will be used by the software's automatic update system to signal errors.
A little dialog with some information about this software
Demo Mode 
Starts a demo scan procedure that lasts until stopped

For more details about a specific tool, look at the linked pages

Dental 2 5 wiz prev.png Homebutton.png Dental 2 5 wiz next.png