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This options section provides information on how the Step-By-Step wizard works, how to integrate the software with other CAD systems and how to configure the automatic export system for the structured projects.

There are 5 sub-categories:


In the General Page there are:

  • A project management section with:
    • Scanner Project : the path where the software saves all the projects created by the user
    • Auto Save : if this option is checked, the software will automatically save the project after every main step (Acquisition, Alignment, Mesh Generation)
    • Min RI sample number : the minimum number of points for an acquisition to be valid. Under the threshold, all the acquisitions will be automatically discarded
  • The Multi-Die Parameters: standard parameters. It is suggested not to modify these parameters but to use the specific multi-die calibration instead.
  • A wizard options section with:
    • Check Articulator Alignment : if this option is checked, the software will show the result of the alignment with the articulation during the Step-By-Step Wizard
    • Show Parallel Mesh Generation : if this option is checked, the software will show a function to generate the Meshes during the next scanning step and not at the specific Mesh Generation Step. This function is longer a valid option to speed up the project
    • Stumps Manual Cut : if this option is checked, the software will show the user an additional Manual Cut step for every stump in the project
  • Wizard Auto Cut, where the auto cut function can be enabled/disabled for every supported element

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This page configures how the software integrates with the Exocad CAD Platform or other Prosthesis CAD software. The configurations are:

  • A Dental CAD section with:
    • Implants : the path on the disk with all the implant libraries
    • DentalCad : the Exocad DentalCadApp.exe path, used by the Auto Start Dental Cad feature
    • Format : the format used by the software to export the meshes. For more information, check the Automatic Export page
  • A Dental Number Settings section with an option to use the US (Universal) teeth numbering scheme instead of the default FDI numbering scheme
  • A Final Trasformation section, better explained in the Final Transformation page
  • Other Options like:
    • Auto Start Dental Cad : if this option is checked, OpticalRevEng Dental will automatically start the CAD design after a succesful export to the Exocad CAD Platform
    • Auto Close : if this option is checked, OpticalRevEng Dental will be automatically closed after a succesful export to the Exocad CAD Platform
    • Separate Stumps : if this option is checked, every stump will be exported as a single file instead of being exported merged together with the rest of the jaw data

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Orthodontic, Scheletric and Impression

These three tabs are identical but applied to specific Structured Projects.
There are 2 sections:

  • A Path section with:
    • Path : the folder where the software will export the data for this specific project. If empty, the data will be exported in the OpticalRevEng Dental Project folder
    • Pattern : the directory and the file name format used to save the files on the disk. Some special characters starting with % will be replaced by specific data coming from the project, as shown in the Legend.
  • A Final Trasformation section, better explained in the Final Transformation page

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