Los escáneres Open Technologies están equipados con un set de accesorios básicos y unos accesorios extras que dependen del modelo del escáner.
Kit Básico
El Kit Basico está proporcionado con todos los escáneres, dentro de una caja y está compuesto por: un soporte para modelos, un soporte multi-die y un kit de calibrado.
Soporte para modelos
El Soporte para Modelos se utiliza para inserir las arcadas o otros objetos en el escáner; permite inserir los objetos en una posición perfecta para el escaneo.
Es importante quedar el Soporte limpio y negro para reducir interferencias entre el multi-die y el objeto en fase de captura.
Soporte Multi-Die
El soporte Multi-Die se utiliza para escanear muñones diferentes con una sola captura. El software reconoce automáticamente las posiciones de los muñones.
- It's important to keep the Multi-Die clean and black to reduce the possible interferences between the Multi-Die and the object during the acquisition phase.
Calibration Kit
The Calibration Kit is a planar surface with a pattern of circles, placed on a bended support.
Every calibration kit is measured and analized with high-precision machines.
The measurement is then saved on a xml file and every kit has it's own xml description file.
The kit is used to recalibrate the optical head of the scanner.
- It's really important to handle the kit with care and to avoid touching the planar surface. Every modification of the planar surface, like scratches or dirt, can make the calibration system unreliable.
Dynamic Articulation Module
In order to use the dynamic articulation module, some special supports are needed: a specific Axis Calibration Object and a special Mounting Plate for every supported articulator.
Mounting Plates
Up to the present, our dynamic articulation module supports 4 different mounting plates.
Axis Calibration Object
This is a specific object, which fits on every mounting plate, used to calibrate the movement system for the Dynamic Articulation Module.
- It's important to keep the object clean and handle it with care. Every modification of the object surface, like scratches or dirt, can make the calibration system unreliable.