Vista Principale
Nell'immagine sottostante è riportato un esempio di Interazione 3D su una mesh Selezionata in OpticalRevEngDental
È possibile interagire con la Vista 3D usando il mouse e la tastiera, il menù contestuale, il menù Vista e la barra degli strumenti Vista.
Interazione con il Mouse
The user can interact with the orientation of the 3D object through either the use of the mouse or more specific tools that can be selected in the View menu, the View toolbar or the Context menu.
La seguente lista riporta le possibili combinazioni mouse/tastiera:
: pan the camera in 2D
: freely rotate the camera around the 3D Object
: rotate the camera restricted to the Y axis of the 3D View
: rotate the camera restricted to the X axis of the 3D View
: rotate the camera restricted to the Z axis of the 3D View
: change Zoom
: enter the context menu
: change the position of the light source in the 3D View
: use the current tool (E.g. Rectangular Selection, Hole Filling, etc.)
: invert the current tool if available (E.g. Deselect points instead of Select points, etc.)
+ Number from 1 to 7 : change the 3D View to one of the default positions (E.g. Frontal, Back, Top, etc.)
In the software options, it's possible to enable an "Alternative Interaction" mode which allows to swap the middle mouse button and the right mouse button, in order to set an interaction more similar to other CAD software.
Menù contestuale e Menù Vista
Il menù Vista e il menù contestuale della Vista 3D contengono alcuni strumenti che possono essere utilizzati per interagire con la Vista 3D.
- Frame All (
+ A) : the 3D camera will move to show, on the screen, all the current selected 3D Objects
- Rotation On View : if this option is enabled, the rotation will ignore the current selected 3D Objects; if it is disabled, the center of the rotation will be the baricenter of the selected 3D Objects
- Area Frame Tool: this tool allows to draw with
a rectangle. The rectangle will become the new camera view.
- Center View (
+ P) : the currently selected 3D Objects are moved at the center of the screen without changing their Zoom
- Standard Poses : sub-menu to apply default 3D views:
Il menù contestuale contiene anche altri strumenti che verranno descritti nella pagina Modificare i Dati
Finestra Dati
È possibile attivare la Finestra Dati selezionando la voce corrispettiva nel menù Vista o con la combinazione di tasti Visualizza Finestra Dati( +
+ I)
This window provides some information about the current selected 3D Objects.
- Description: a line that describes the type of the currently selected objects (E.g. Triangle Mesh: 2, Range Images: 6, etc.)
- Points: the number of points of the currently selected objects
- Faces: the number of faces, available only for triangle meshes
- Selected: the number of selected points/faces of the currently selected objects
- Size and Position: the minimum/maximum coordinates of the volume of the currently selected objects, and their size in every direction