Wizard Implant Alignment

From Open Tech Dental Wiki 4.0
Revision as of 13:15, 29 December 2015 by Meinan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "プロジェクトに1つ以上のインプラントが含まれている場合、メッシュ生成後、ウィザードで各インプラントマーカーを正しいライ...")
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Read how the implant library alignment works in the Implant Alignment page.

If there is no need to align the implant marker to the library, click on the Dental 2 5 wiz skip.png button.

Dental 2 5 wizImplAlign.jpg

Dental 2 5 wiz prev.png Homebutton.png Dental 2 5 wiz next.png